Oral Appointment Request/Review

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Please select an option to continue: *

Please complete your details below and you will be added to the waiting list and the practice will contact you when an appointment is available

This form can also be completed through our online services

For your safety, to be able to apply for a repeat prescription annually

  • You must have had your blood pressure and weight measured in the last year, please use a home BP machine or the self-monitoring machine in the waiting room.
  • You must have had a cervical smear test within the last three years if you are aged 25 or over.

If you would you like an STI test please contact the surgery to arrange one or call 01392 276892 (Sidwell street sexual health clinic).

If you are aged 25 or over, have you had a cervical smear test with in the last three years: *
Are you aware how the pill works?: *
Are you aware of the side effects and risks of taking the pill?: *
Are you aware that you should NOT SMOKE when taking the pill as this increases your risk of having a stroke: *
Are you aware of what to do if you miss a pill?: *
Are you aware that the contraceptive pill may not work if you vomit within 2 hours of taking the pill or have severe diarrhoea: *
Are you aware that the contraceptive pill does NOT protect you from sexually transmitted infections: *
So it is advisable to use condoms or get a STI screen with new partners
Are you aware there are different ways to take the combined oral contraceptive pill: *

You have answered No to one or more of the questions above,

Please use the resources below to find out more information. If you are then still not confident enough to answer Yes to any of the questions above, please arrange an Accurx or telephone appointment


Contraception Pill Review
Do you have any problems with using your contraceptive pill or side effects from the pill : *
Do you have any health matters you wish to discuss with your GP or Practice Nurse : *
Do you have migraine headaches, severe headaches or frequent headaches: *
Do you have Bleeding between periods: *
Do you have bleeding during or after sexual intercourse: *
Do you have unusual discharge : *
Do you have history of thrombosis (blood clots in veins or lungs) or a family history of clots : *
Do you have any family history of breast cancer: *
Do you smoke: *

You have answered Yes to one or more of the monitored questions above, please arrange an Accurx or telephone appointment

Health Questions
Blood Pressure: *
Please indicate whether you have used feet, inches, metres or centimetres)
Please indicate whether you have used stones, pounds or kilogrammes
Personal Details
Please double check you've entered the correct email address
May be used to identify you
Which surgery are you registered with?: *

Privacy Consent


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If the error persists please contact us.

Rolle Medical Partnership
Exmouth Health Centre
Claremont Grove

Telephone: 01395 226540

Treetops Surgery
Prince of Wales Drive

Telephone: 01395 226540

Raleigh Surgery
33 Pines Road

Telephone: 01395 226540

Underhill Surgery

Telephone: 01395 265797